Eternity Malware-as-a-Service
It has been found that cybercriminals are now promoting a new modular, malware-as-a-service offering that allows wanna-be threat actors to choose from cornucopia of threats a Telegram channel that to date has more than 500 subscribers. The new malware service, dubbed the Eternity Project by the hackers behind it. This allows them to target potential victims with a customized threat offering based on individual modules they can buy for prices ranging from $90 to $490. It includes; a stealer, a clipper, worm, and ransomware depending on the type of attack a threat actor wants to release. Developers behind this are also working on a future module that offers distributed denial of service (DDoS) bots.
According to researchers, “Eternity” which was discovered on a TOR website, where the malware-as-a-service is also for sale demonstrates the significant increase in security crimes through Telegram channels and cybercrime forums. Each module is sold individually and has different functionality that was suspected being repurposed from code in an existing Github repository which developers modify and sell under new name. “Our analysis also indicated that the Jester Stealer could also be rebranded from this particular Github project which indicates some links between the two threat actors,” researchers wrote.
The eternity stealer is being sold as an annual subscription of $260. The module steals passwords, cookies, credit cards and crypto-wallets from different applications such as the most popular browsers, messaging apps and cryptocurrency wallets on the victims device and send them to the cybercriminal’s Telegram Bot. The Eternity Miner, Clipper, Ransomware and Worm is being sold separately for annual subscriptions ranging from $90 to $490. Therefore, it is advised that you should never save your passwords, credentials, credit card information and other sensitive data on your device.
“Above all else, use multiple layers of defense,” Ron Bradley Vice President of Shared Assessments observed. “Like it or not, we’re at war when it comes to protecting our private information. Protective gear and defensive weapons are not optional in this day and age.”