Thousands of Norton LifeLock customer accounts breached

Thousands of Norton LifeLock customer accounts breached

Thousands NortonLifeLock customer accounts have been compromised. The parent firm of Norton LifeLock, Gen Digital, informed clients of the hack is through a credential stuffing attempt. The business claimed that it discovered the accounts had been compromised as early as December 1, around two weeks before its systems discovered a “high volume” of unsuccessful login attempts to client accounts on December 12.

The Company said that it has sent notices to about 6,450 customers whose accounts were compromised.

“Our own systems were not compromised. However, we strongly believe that an unauthorized third party knows and has utilized your username and password for your account,”

“This username and password combination may potentially also be known to others.”

“In accessing your account with your username and password, the unauthorized third party may have viewed your first name, last name, phone number, and mailing address,” the data breach notice said.

Because the firm cannot completely rule out the possibility that the intruders also acquired the customers’ saved passwords, the alert was delivered to customers who it suspects utilize its password manager service. Since two-factor authentication prevents hackers from accessing a user’s account using just their password, it’s advised to turn it on.


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